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How Do I Get Avast Off my Email Signature?

How Do I Get Avast Off my Email Signature?


Anti-viruses have always been important in protecting the important data of your system. There are tons of great anti-virus firms that are offering state-of-the-art services and security. 

One of the best antivirus services, the Avast security system, has been very popular among people for quite a while now. But if for some reason, you want to disable this amazing service, read this blog till the very end as today, we will be talking about some of the simple steps that you can use to turn off Avast email signature with relative ease.

Steps on how to turn off Avast email signature

  • You will need to right-click on the Avast icon on your system and then click on the "open Avast user interface" option, to begin with.
  • Now, open Avast's settings by clicking on the gear-like icon from the top right corner of your screen.
  • Locate the general tab and uncheck the "enable Avast signature".

These are some simple steps that you can use to disable Avast's email signature.

For more help, you can visit the Avast support center that is at your disposal 24X7

Read more - How Do I Remove Avast Signature?